Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our company is called K-Way Productions. We are business card designers, poster creators, and web advertising. We are here for you. You give us your product or assignment we make it happen, and you get profit out of it. We chose a Whale as our logo, because I thought it most represented us in we have support in our family, and when we try to compete in a business we can concur all.

Our logo is a Whale, it has thin black lines going around the white bottom part of the whale to make the whale stand out, and then the top body is black, to make him bold, along with white patches all over the body to create movement for your eye to look around the page. The whale isn’t colored in it only has shades, instead of making something brilliant and complex we thought why not make something brilliant and simple.

The feeling throughout the whale, are smooth calm, but still energetic. Our company’s name is colored green and pink to blend in together then the balance out the shades with the colors so everything fits in together, and nothing is uneven. The whale’s outlines are curved with a straight tail, and everything is curved to make the aquatic animal as smooth as possible without any hard point. The black body as a strong bold feeling into it, so the white complements to create the flow through the whale.