Friday, December 18, 2009

Nfb Tour : )
This is my Groups racism Video

This Racism video consults on trying to stop racism , stop racism is difficult but one person at time could make a difference, so why not start now. Help the world by making a difference and treating people equally. When everybody is treated equally nobody is judged in any way.
The focus on this video was to prevent racism, and how it can affect anyone.
The video gets its point across by people talking about racism words that could lead to racism and pictures of words that people find offensive.
For this project i was satisfied but it wasn't the best work I have done this semester.
I could improve my video by editing it a bit more , and trying to get the point across some more.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is my Chest Piece I made.

This video was created by the Students of Cyberarts

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

I like this stop motion, because I'v always wanted to do a stop motion with lego but when you dont have lego, its kinda hard to do it with out it .
Another thing i like about this is that its not jiggled and its really smooth .

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Surrealism, What is Surrealism ?
Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for the visual artworks and writings of the group members.
Surrealist works feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions ; however, many Surrealist artists and writers regard their work as an expression of the philosophical movement first and foremost, with the works being an artifact. Leader Andre Breton was explicit in his assertion that Surrealism was above all a revolutionary movement.
Surrealism developed out of the Dada activities of World War I and the most important center of the movement was Paris. From the 1920s on, the movement spread around the globe, eventually affecting the visual arts, literature, film, and music of many countries and languages, as well as political thought and practice, philosophy and social theory.

This photo shows Surrealism because of the car going through a tunnel, but the tunnel is a mouth .

This Photo shows surrealism by having land, then having hands from the water rising and picking up the ground .

Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for the visual artworks and writings of the group members.

This is a Surrealism image because of the ship in the ocean , getting refilled by the tap with water.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Video Analysis

The main focus of this video was to understand the concept about racism, and what it does to people, and defines what it is. There wasn't any racial slurs because the more you say it, the more people would want to say them to other people, in way to offend them or just joke around, either way saying a racial slur doesn't affect one person it could affect some other person who could of heard the saying and would of been insulted without you knowing.

The video gets it point across by first defining words that mean racism then concluding by erasing the words that meant racism and then rewriting words that should be meant to understand racism and to stop. The video is about understand what racism is.

This video is made up by whole body shots, and shoulder to head shots, as for the background they put words relating to racism along with a plain background as for a chalkboard, the street, and a desk.

The Sound Fx are just some simple chimes sounds easily made by garage band, and there weren't any voice overs. Its the same old sound playing over again, with no effects. For the first part that as the introduction they had stop motion to write then take photos the words to create that slow motion effect saying RACISM...

(Video Taken of YouTube)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Optical Devices

In CyberArts seminar we are learning about Thaumatrope. A thaumatrope is a small disc, held on opposite sides of its circumference by pieces of string. An image is drawn on each side of the disc, and is selected in such a way that when the disc is spun, the two images appear to become superimposed. To spin the disc, one string is held in a hand, and the disc is rotated to wind the string. Then, both strings are held, and the disc is allowed to rotate. Stretching the strings will ensure that they continue to wind and unwind. This motion causes the disc to rotate, first in one direction and then in the opposite. The faster the disc rotates, the greater the clarity of the illusion.
So by drawing pictures on two discs, and spun in such a way you can see the two pictures become one while still spinning. So it becomes a optical illusion, confusing your brian seeing the two pictures at a time.
The invention of the thaumatrope, means "turning marvel" or "wonder turner," has often been credited to the astronomer Sir John Herschel.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sequencing : The Foundation of Video StoryTelling

Sequences compress time in a video story. If you didn't have compression, your just let with long clips that people wouldn't like to watch.
Proper sequencing gives the video editor a better way to adjust your story by using wide, medium, and tight shots.
Along with using b-roll to make your video more exciting and catch the viewers attention, instead of filming somebody walk through a door, take a video of them turning the handle, the door opening and him walking out the house, from the inside.

When you videotape or take photos you should get some footage of varies place of different angels to make everything more complex and eye catching instead of videotaping one place through the whole clip. Try ignoring the zoom, when you zoom closer and closer you lose more and more quality.
If your making a commercial video you don't want to videotape from one perspective, and have a big long clip, people would get bored so just shorten the clip by editing and taking out scenes that are unneeded.

For the video, their were close, far, and medium shots within the video.
People talking while changing the scene and shooting a video of balls juggles instead of having the taping the speaker the whole thing. So by making a quick adjustment and changing the scene it creates motivation and eye catching to keep the viewer interesting.

Our video, for CyberARTs period two : )
This video was created by Cinan, Fasai, and Me.
This video was based on doing three perspective shots of the same object, from different angles.
Then using IMovie, we edited to make the slow motion effects, the sound effects, and the music.
Along with cutting out parts that were unneeded we created the video, as a exercise .

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Original Picutre

Monday, November 2, 2009

Crazy Edit : ]

                                                                  Color Correction.

This Art piece was created by the CyberArts Class, with the help of photoshop, we have retouched the picture, cropped it, and colored edited to make the contrast reasonable.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our company is called K-Way Productions. We are business card designers, poster creators, and web advertising. We are here for you. You give us your product or assignment we make it happen, and you get profit out of it. We chose a Whale as our logo, because I thought it most represented us in we have support in our family, and when we try to compete in a business we can concur all.

Our logo is a Whale, it has thin black lines going around the white bottom part of the whale to make the whale stand out, and then the top body is black, to make him bold, along with white patches all over the body to create movement for your eye to look around the page. The whale isn’t colored in it only has shades, instead of making something brilliant and complex we thought why not make something brilliant and simple.

The feeling throughout the whale, are smooth calm, but still energetic. Our company’s name is colored green and pink to blend in together then the balance out the shades with the colors so everything fits in together, and nothing is uneven. The whale’s outlines are curved with a straight tail, and everything is curved to make the aquatic animal as smooth as possible without any hard point. The black body as a strong bold feeling into it, so the white complements to create the flow through the whale.

Friday, September 18, 2009

                     Rhythm #2

This image has a variety of values of lights and darks. When the lines are thin and side by side they have quite of space but when they are large the space decreases. The thicker lines give out more emotion while the smaller ones don't have as much. The small line means that it's calm while the big thick lines means that it's bold. There isn't any texture. When each side looks the same, it should be the sides are even. This image also shows how one sound wave can interact with another sound wave.

      Rhythm #1

 This image consists of only lines that don't touch each other. It has a mix of value, making it dark at some points and light in other. The bigger the width the darker is going to be, the smaller the width the lighter it goes.  There isn't really any texture in the image, but a variety of space in between each lines. It has enough balance because on the left it has bold lines with thin, and and the right side has thin lines with some bold lines. These lines are pretty steady  with a consistent size. This image also shows how nothing can be as identical as one other thing.


"The Scream"
by: Edvard Munch

Based on an imitationalism point of view.

I am critiquing Edvard Munch's painting of "The Scream". First of all the colors don't look that realistic because of the texture and the materials that he used to make the image. The colors are always wavy and never straight. The proportions on the body of the man screaming is uneven and out of shape, a real body would be straight and evened out and fit. There wasn't any shading on the man or the bridge, and the water has no reflection which a normal painting should have. So for this painting it is a complete failure when it comes to imitationalism paintings. The background and the foreground is lacking have a lacking perspective.

Based on a emotional perspective.

This image has many moods. The man in the foreground seems to be frightened or scared or even shocked that he just found out something. The people in the foreground fade out and have no emotions but are warmed colored, so probably they are meant to be happy. The sky and the river are warmed colored meaning that it's a happy day or that it's a fresh, brand new day. The whole painting was made with warm colored skys, and a cool mixed colored river creating a smooth feeling, relaxing yet with a touch of fear when you look at the man in the foreground.

Based on a Formalist perspective.

The painting "Scream" by Edvard Munch has a great flow in the beginning when starring at the man on the foreground, but once you look at everything you get leaded into the waters, then into the warm sky. The texture in the image is extremly visable and fits into the painting well. They're many shapes because of the curved lines creating abstract desgins instead of shapes.
It has great balance, balancing from the top with warm colours then into the bottom with cool colours, then with the left middle got left into a mix. The movement was lead from the man, swooshing past him head into the right side, then above into the sky, around to the left, and down the bridge. So for this painting i say, Edvard did a good job making the painting looked balance, and having good movement.